Which you are you?
Our many minds and how to manage them
by Pat Williams
Format: Digital Audiobook
ISBN: 1-899398-04-X
- Price: £6.99
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The struggle between different elements within the human psyche, each with its own urgent agenda, is a drama as old as humanity, recognised as such since ancient times.
Indeed, every individual living today will have grappled, not always successfully, with conflicts which arise in our divided selves between what psychologists call the ‘sub-personalities’. These ‘multiminds’ have a profound effect on our relationships and behaviour. Given the structure of our brains, we cannot escape them – but we can learn to manage them better.
On this thought-provoking MP3, Pat Williams looks at the effects of this situation and offers vivid and valuable metaphors which can help us to manage our differing and often opposing mental states quickly and effectively. Her rich and stimulating account is backed up with a wealth of information and traditional stories, as well as case histories from her own psychotherapy practice.
This valuable, metaphorical approach is extremely useful in therapeutic and family situations, but equally powerful at a personal level.
One of my favorite one-stop teachings about human nature and therapy. “Which You Are You?” is a favorite single source of information about how our minds work and what our experience is really like. I regard it as a better source of information about what really happens in the psychological dynamics of our lives, and how we might reorganize them adaptively in therapy, than most of the books I’ve ever read about therapy, put together. Read full review on my blog at: https://psychatlarge.com/a-review-of-which-you-are-you-by-pat-williams/