Human Givens Journal - Volume 22, No 1, 2015

Volume 22, No 1, 2015

Human Givens Journal

Format: A4 Printed Journal (60pp) / Digital PDF Journal (60pp) 

ISBN: 1473-4850 (ISSN)

  • From: £2.50 - £4.00

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The intention behind focusing attention.

How we are: News, views and information:

  • Role of the amygdala
  • teenagers and risk
  • belonging
  • triggering forgetting
  • false memory
  • predicting suicide
  • thinking versus feeling
  • language and perception
  • bystander effect in children
  • writing as therapy
  • expectation
  • inattention
  • playing up for dad
  • loneliness and social pressure
  • addictions
  • depression and falls
  • job loss
  • boredom and schizophrenia

The pleasures within life’s limits

Pat Williams takes a truly epicurean view.

The uses and abuses of hypnosis

Ivan Tyrrell warns of the dark side of what we know as a powerful therapeutic tool.

“If the doors and windows are locked, try the keyhole”

Martin Dunne thinks laterally to help a woman refusing to face her anorexia.

“I’m only here because they wanted me to come”

Jo Ham works hard to engage a nervous client not willingly attending therapy.

Seeing beyond sight loss

Denise Winn talks with Tom Pey about the major challenges of helping young blind people to get their needs met.

Ethical dilemmas of working with older people

Declan Lyons and Therese O’Carroll take a human givens approach to the ethics of caregiving for older people.

A little bit special

Sandra Robilliard makes new sense of her life, after discovery that she is on the autistic spectrum.

Helping couples cope with their struggle for a child

Emma Charlton uses a human givens framework for the fertility support group she co-facilitates.

Sandwell’s trailblazing mental health service: the update

Ian Walton describes the inspirational results of changed primary care practices, part inspired by the human givens approach.

PLUS: Book Reviews


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