Volume 20, No 2, 2013
Human Givens Journal
Format: A4 Printed Journal (60pp) / Digital PDF Journal (60pp)
ISBN: 1473-4850 (ISSN)
- From: £2.50 - £5.00
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The plane is still flying.
How we are: News, views and information:
- Conflicting expectations
- children’s memories
- unpublished clinical trials
- compassionate love and health
- recovery from psychosis
- patient apathy
- constructive praise
- call for volunteers for HGI
- cheating in the afternoons
- emotional support at work
- eye contact and rapport
- experiences of anorexia
- biased expert witnesses
- ‘everyday sadists’
The debt we owe our children
Pat Williams explores the clarity of the child’s eye view, as yet untrained into illusion.
The human givens approach: from practice to process
Bill Andrews reflects on where we need to go next, in gathering research evidence to support the HG approach.
Pulling out positives from pain
Beth Hamilton describes her highly successful workshop programme for sufferers from chronic pain.
Straight line interrupted: dealing with caetextia at work
Sara Pendlebury illustrates her use of the HG approach to help bring about change in caetextic organisations.
Our playful species
Ivan Tyrrell discusses with Desmond Morris how humans developed creativity – and, with it, the potential for dysfunction.
Testing the limits: using the HG approach with exacting clients
Denise Winn and Paula Bruce describe their work with chaotic, often mentally ill, substance abusers in hostels for the homeless.
Flourishing together: a whole-school approach to emotional health
Richard Rowland describes using HG ideas to create a culture of individual and shared responsibility for wellbeing.
Therapy in translation
Four HG therapists share what they learned from carrying out counselling via an interpreter.
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