Volume 18, No 3, 2011
Human Givens Journal
Format: A4 Printed Journal (48pp) / Digital PDF Journal (48pp)
ISBN: 1473-4850 (ISSN)
- From: £2.50 - £5.00
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Arguably flawed
How we are: News, views and information:
- Dangerous misinformation
- disrespect and performance
- asthma and ADHD
- ‘living’ dementia
- agitation that may actually be pain
- psychiatric ailments and long-term sick leave
- exercise and PTSD
- power of perceived control
- when it pays to break the rules
- prevention of psychosis
- infants and learning
- arousal and memory
- anti-bullying programme for schools
- novel way to get attention
- classic stories
- mental illness not on the rise?
Thoughts from the cliff-edge
Pat Williams contemplates what we can learn from the truth and the myths about lemmings’ behaviour.
Neuromania – a castle built on sand
Raymond Tallis warns us not to be seduced by neuroscientific ‘explanations’ for human behaviour.
Extending emotional wellbeing in schools
Stuart Coulden describes an imaginative project for promoting emotional health in diverse school communities.
No more psychiatric labels!
Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell hear why Sami Timimi is calling for psychiatric diagnostic classifications to be abolished.
“But he gave me flowers”
Ros Jeal applies the expectation theory of addiction to help women stop themselves returning to abusive relationships.
First, do no harm
John Perry recalls a challenging ethical dilemma he faced as a therapist.
Bidding goodbye to ‘the Bully’
Liz Barr describes how she helped a head-injured patient with autistic tendencies to regain a meaningful life.
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