Human Givens: new
An empowering approach to emotional health and clear thinking
by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell
Format: Paperback 440pp
ISBN: 978-1-899398-92-8
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This revised and updated edition of Human Givens contains a wealth of new material and research findings that further support its basic contentions and enhance its already considerable reputation.
I can very much endorse the tenets of the human givens approach… your work is important and much needed … let’s hope people listen
Dr Iain McGilchrist – author of bestseller 'The Master and His Emissary' and 'The Matter with Things'.
In this seminal book, the co-founders of the human givens approach, Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell, exquisitely describe one of the most important psychological insights of our age: how we all come into the world with a partially formed mind containing a genetic treasure-house of innate knowledge patterns: the ‘human givens’. We all experience these givens as physical and emotional needs, powerful forces that must be satisfactorily met in our environment if our minds and lives are to unfold and develop to their fullest potential. How these innate patterns connect up with the world, and unfold in it, determine our own and our family’s emotional health and happiness – as well as the maturity and humanity of the society we create around us.
Human Givens also explores the dangers that arise when we squander this inheritance. By ignoring the requirements of nature, our educational and health services degrade, organisations degenerate, working lives suffer, politics becomes ever more ridiculous and our personal lives more prone to anxiety disorders, depression, psychosis and addictions.
This book is uplifting and practical because it brings hope in these troubled times by clearly spelling out what each child and adult needs in order to develop well, how to help those who aren’t and who are suffering severe mental distress, including anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress.
Although the first edition of this book was published over 20 years ago, it is still ground-breaking in how it sets out and explains its practical, imaginative, solution-focused and fast-acting methods for understanding and reversing mental ill health, and its common-sense, foolproof blueprint for enabling healthy living and working environments. Even diplomats working to bring about concord across the world are starting to take notice…
A wonderfully fresh and stimulating view of dreaming, evolution, and human functioning. Human Givens also provides both an encompassing model and practical, specific applications to enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy. It will deepen and widen every reader’s perspective.
Arthur J. Deikman, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of California
A quiet revolution
New Scientist
In the UK alone, thousands of individuals wishing to understand human behaviour found Human Givens an invaluable source of wisdom and guidance, as have professionals in many fields including psychologists, psychotherapists, GPs, counsellors, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, emergency workers, teachers and diplomats. It is also recognised as invaluable inspiration for students.
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Harnessed between these pages are scientific insights and practical techniques of sufficient power to completely revolutionise our approach to parenting, teaching and the caring professions. I wholeheartedly recommend Human Givens to any individual with a burning interest in how life works and can be helped to work better."
Dr Nick Baylis, Lecturer in Positive Psychology, Cambridge University
Real breakthroughs in the behavioural sciences are rare, and it’s smart to be aware of hype. But not all scientific progress is incremental. Sometimes, as in the germ theory of disease, it’s exponential. Griffin and Tyrrell’s contribution advances psychology as much as the introduction of the Arabic numeric system with its zero digit advanced mathematics.
The Washington Times
In 'Human Givens' Griffin and Tyrrell offer innovative perspectives on promoting effective living. They have synthesized brain and social research in such a way that they provide new templates for understanding how to unlock the best in human nature.
Dr Jeffrey K. Zeig, Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation
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