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Originating in the field of psychotherapy, HG has been widely adopted in other fields…
Human givens therapy focuses on helping people move on in their lives as quickly as possible
Our cost-effective training is an enjoyable way to update your knowledge and skills…
Increase your ability to help people with this versatile, evidence-based course
and spreading the knowledge and skills that make that possible…
Read the liveliest, most thought-provoking, peer-reviewed, biannual magazine about psychology, human behaviour and mental health…
Would you know what to do if you were faced with someone so distressed they might take their own life?
Understanding loss and the best ways to help – this sensitive course dispells many myths and gives you greater insight into the natural grieving process and how best to support those suffering loss
Discover the easy-to-learn psychological techniques and key insights that can lift depression quickly, even in the severest cases ... this workshop saves lives
Vital information for everyone – includes new insights and research findings which dramatically improve recovery rates and reduce relapses
Psychological techniques for reducing chronic pain and accelerating healing Join Dr Grahame Brown in person in London to discover how to help people more effectively, without drugs...
Psychological techniques for reducing chronic pain and accelerating healing Join Dr Grahame Brown to discover how to help people more effectively, without drugs...