Rupinder Mahil
Rupinder is a highly experienced and respected mediator, psychotherapist and trainer. She has many years’ experience of working with individuals and groups in challenging intra-personal and interpersonal circumstances, including over 15 years experience in interpersonal mediation during which time she worked with all types of interpersonal conflicts: in work environments between employees and organisations, in families, and in neighbourhoods and communities.
She has an impressive track record of delivering programmes in mediation and conflict resolution, with consistently excellent feedback, and over 15 years of training groups of learners in conflict resolution and mediation across the Public, Private and Voluntary sector including, for example, within health and social care, the criminal justice system, the forces, and education organisations. She is a qualified and accredited Mediator, has a Degree in Applied Sciences (major in Psychology, minor in Human Biology), a PGCE, an HG.Dip.P. in psychotherapy and a Certificate in Supervision.
Rupinder has had the opportunity to work across the UK and Europe bringing her expertise of human beings, their needs and their resources, to resolve conflicts and open up opportunities toward resolution quickly. She has written articles for the Wellbeing Thesis and for Student Space to support students toward proactively and constructively addressing conflict, and has also supported organisations to implement policies and procedures to facilitate their use of early interventions to avoid the financial and emotional impact of conflict, thus increasing productivity and performance.
With a specific interest in Motivational Interviewing and Solution Focused Brief interventions, she has a strong empathetic and practical style, rapidly enabling understanding and progress toward change.