The Rewind Technique: Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias
This 2-day workshop gives you the opportunity to see demonstrated, experience, and practice the steps of this powerful technique in a small group under the careful guidance of our expert tutor – and much more…
Course Factfile
The Rewind Technique Training
Length: 2 days (9.30am–4.00pm)
Tutor: Rosalind Townsend
Prerequisite skills: You will need some experience in using guided imagery and visualisation – read more
Suitable for: Mental health and welfare professionals (read more)
Accredited CPD Certificate: 12 hours
- Price: £396 per person
Price includes lunch, refreshments and course notes
LIMITED SPACES available per course
Book your place
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Excellent course. A brilliantly encouraging and supportive environment in which to learn
Harriet, workshop participant
BOOK EARLY – Limited to 24 places
Next date: Wed 9th–Thurs 10th April, Bristol
Join trauma specialist Ros Townsend to learn the rewind technique for treating trauma and phobias – you will leave the workshop, having practiced the steps of the technique with other workshop participants under the tutor’s careful guidance, confident in knowing how to use it safely and effectively.
What you will learn > All dates & venues >
Life-changing! A great weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Nurse (Previously traumatised by a car accident)
Why take this rewind course
We have over 25 years of experience in teaching the rewind technique to health and welfare professionals which we’ve drawn on to develop a course that gives you enough time to thoroughly absorb and practice the technique, see it demonstrated, understand why it works and experience it yourself, so that you leave confident in your ability to use the rewind safely and effectively.
The Rewind Technique* is an effective psychological intervention for successfully treating trauma and phobias – often in as little as one session. It is one of the most important skills you need to master to be able to work successfully with any anxiety disorder or condition which may have developed as a result of unresolved trauma. Even the most severe phobic and post-traumatic stress (PTSD) symptoms can be successfully addressed using the the rewind technique taught on this 2-day course, which has been refined* in line with understandings from neuroscience to make it as safe and reliably effective as possible.
An essential therapeutic technique to have in your therapeutic ‘toolkit’, it is important to learn and practice it under the careful guidance of our expert tutor – you will leave the course knowing how to use the rewind technique safely and effectively having watched live demonstrations, had plenty of time to practice the steps involved with fellow students, the opportunity to experience the technique yourself and more. Our workshop has limited numbers so you will have plenty of opportunities for asking questions and the tutor, who has extensive clinical experience.
Using the rewind technique you can, often surprisingly quickly, detraumatise bad memories, stop flashbacks and other PTSD symptoms, cure phobias, banish nightmares and reduce anxiety so you can help the victims of abuse, rape, violence, car accidents, fire, terrorism and panic attacks, heart attacks and other life-threatening experiences.
Another key benefit of this technique is non disclosure – there is no need for people to repeatedly revisit or talk about specific details of the events that have traumatised them. This helps avoid embedding the trauma further and making the situation worse – as can sometimes inadvertently happen in other therapeutic approaches to treating trauma – and helps prevent the therapist or counsellor being vicariously traumatised by what they might hear.
It is also invaluable when working therapeutically with people who have suffered persistent physical or sexual abuse, and people with OCD. People suffering from other conditions, such as depression, addictions or uncontrollable anger, may have experienced a traumatic event, which needs to be successfully detraumatised in order for them to move on with their lives.
As a result of our training in the rewind technique – which we have been delivering for over 20 years – our graduates have brought relief to literally thousands of people (eg. case history / PTSD Resolution).
Please note
This is a powerful technique, which needs to be implemented with care – we recommend you take the time to learn it in person in a small group with a skilled and highly experienced tutor who can guide you through the important steps involved, oversee you as you practise them, answer your questions and give you crucial direct feedback. The version of the rewind technique* you will learn on this course has been refined in line with understandings from neuroscience to make it as safe and reliably effective as possible.
The course is taught over two days to ensure you have enough time to thoroughly absorb and practice the steps involved so that you are confident in using it and know how to do so safely and effectively with clients. You will also learn when it is NOT appropriate to use this technique and how to ensure you avoid embedding any trauma further, or making a phobia worse.
Guided imagery and visualisation skills form an essential part of the rewind technique, which is why they are a requirement for attending this course.
This has huge potential to change people's lives for the better. I can't wait to put what I've learnt here to good use
Psychiatric Support Worker
What will you learn
- How to detraumatise people quickly and safely
- The necessary skills to treat even severe phobias
- Why this version of the rewind technique is so effective, and how it works
Under careful guidance from the tutor, you will:
- revisit key skills for relaxing clients in order to successfully work using the technique
- walk and talk through a step-by-step breakdown of the rewind technique
- see a live demonstration of working with a phobia or trauma
- practice each stage of the rewind technique in pairs
- practice the entire process, with other course participants, under supervision
You will also gain:
- Vital tools for psycho-education – both adding to your own understanding and to pass on to clients
- A clear understanding of the fear response and how PTSD and phobias develop
- The detrimental impact traumas and phobias can have on a person’s life
- The crucial role of the pattern-matching processes in the brain in triggering phobic responses and post traumatic stress symptoms
- How the main treatment techniques for treating post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sub-threshold trauma and phobias (including EMDR, EFT and CBT) work – their advantages and disadvantages
- Why the rewind technique draws on the innate ability we all have to recover from trauma
- Pre-disposing factors for suffering a problematic post-traumatic response (or developing a phobia)
- Why critical incident debriefing increases the incidence of PTSD
- How this version of the rewind technique has been modified to make it safer and more reliable
- Trauma-focused rewinding: the psycho-biological reason why this refined rewind technique works so consistently well
- A step-by-step breakdown of the essential stages of the rewind technique
- The chance to see a live demonstration of working with a phobia or trauma
You will leave with:
- The confidence to begin using the technique ethically and safely
- A clear understanding of the advantages of using a non-intrusive psychological technique to treat trauma, PTSD and phobias (where the client does not have to go into details about or repeatedly ‘revisit’ what has traumatised them)
- What to do if a client as an abreaction
- Important information about when not to use this technique – and what can be done instead
- An understanding of how the rewind technique can be used to work with Complex Trauma and cases involving ‘freeze’, shutdown or dissociative responses
- How you can carefully apply this technique to relieve a huge range of anxiety disorders
- Greater confidence in dealing with anxiety disorders and distress caused by trauma, phobias and flashbacks
- An understanding of how rapidly transformative this technique can be; on the last afternoon we view a filmed therapy session (and follow up) in which Joe Griffin uses the rewind technique to relieve a young man of his severe shark phobia
There is also plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and to experience and practice, under careful guidance, the various stages of the rewind technique yourself.
Counts towards a Diploma
By taking this course, you could be on your way to completing Part 1 of the Human Givens Diploma – a flexible, part-time psychotherapy course which will deepen your psychological knowledge and increase your ability to help people effectively and quickly. Learn more >
Who is this course suitable for?
Anyone working with distressed, phobic or traumatised people, who has already taken our Guided Imagery and Visualisation workshop (and ideally the Therapeutic Power of Language workshop too) as these skills are essential components of the rewind technique.
If you help traumatised people (including children) or people suffering from any form of phobia or anxiety disorder – this includes: psychotherapists, counsellors, mental health nurses, OTs, health visitors, social workers, psychiatrists, GPs, clinical psychologists, midwives, welfare officers, youth workers, hypnotherapists and those working with traumatised members of public services, such as: firefighters, police, paramedics and military personnel – you will find the rewind technique and associated skills hugely helpful.
Course requirements
Guided imagery, relaxation and visualisation are an integral component of the Rewind Technique – if you don’t already have experience in using these skills therapeutically with others you must complete our Guided Imagery and Visualisation for Therapeutic Change (Day 1) workshop before attending this course (this is always run the same week as, usually the day before, our rewind technique training).
This is to ensure you get the most out of this 2-day course and also have the necessary skills for practising the rewind technique safely and effectively. You would also find it useful to attend the Therapeutic Power of Language workshop beforehand if you can. All 3 workshops count towards Part 1 of the HG Diploma.
Ros Townsend’s live online training Trauma: Patterns of the past is also useful for anyone working with or supporting someone suffering from unresolved trauma, or who would like to understand their own experiences of trauma better. She also runs a workshop on working with Complex Trauma.
*About the Rewind Technique
The Rewind Technique originated from one developed by Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP, when it was called the Visual/Kinaesthetic Dissociation protocol. A variant of this was developed by Dr David Muss, who called it the Rewind Technique. A recent RCT concluded that the technique “demonstrated a large effect size in treating symptoms of PTSD” in the trial participants.
The version of the Rewind Technique you will learn on this 2-day course was refined by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell, co-founders of the human givens approach, to make it as reliably effective and safe as is possible by aligning the method with their insights into how trauma and phobias are processed in the brain. HG Therapists now follow a specific Rewind Protocol which follows the essential steps of the process that Griffin and Tyrrell set out.
Course format
This intense 2-day training includes talks, live demonstrations, skill-developing exercises, practice sessions with fellow students (under careful guidance) and deconstruction of filmed examples of the technique being used, including one with a severely traumatised young woman. There is also plenty of opportunity for asking questions, networking and discussion during the breaks.
The course was previously entitled: The fast phobia and trauma (PTSD) cure – a 2-day workshop in the rewind technique
This rewind technique in-person training has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 12 hours of CPD training.
On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.
Register your interest – next date
If you can’t make any of these course dates, please complete the form below and we’ll email you when another date becomes available.
Tell others about this course
Very powerful therapy, appreciated the chance to practice it and ‘feel’ how it works myself.
Youth Worker/School Counsellor
This technique should be more widely known and much more readily available to people. It could relieve so much unnecessary suffering, let alone save the NHS money.
General Practitioner
The traumatised police officers I work with will benefit hugely from what I've learnt today – thank you all so much.
Occupational Health Welfare Advisor
This course was so well structured. Ros is extremely knowledgeable and articulate. The Rewind Technique was placed in context and the building blocks of the course scaffolded the learning very well. There was a perfect blend of learning, observation and skill rehearsal.
A very good course, presented in a clear and instructive way. Lots of information and great notes.
Really informative with great opportunity to merge practice with theory. Roz brought energy and expertise to the training, making it most enjoyable.
Very clear, sympathetic instruction.
Excellent balance of lecture, psycho-ed and practical work.
Very clear presentations. I really enjoyed these two days. I feel more confident to practice.
Great balance of theory and practical work and exercises
The practical element of the course complemented the ‘theory’ that Ros presented excellently. The supporting materials were very well presented too.
So useful! Thank you ….
Brilliant content, really well delivered by Ros Townsend. Really enjoyed the whole experience.
Great course and really interesting technique to use in practice. Delivery was articulate and explained with detail. Really enjoyed it. The repetitive practice was really useful, having the time to rehearse with peers. The xplanations of the individual processes in the brain and how they work together when calm and emotionally aroused was easy to follow.
Very rich content. Lots I can take and use as part of my toolkit from tomorrow. Plus lots to think about and proess and practice before applying in my day to day work. Am feeling more confident in providing guided relaxation for my clients, greater knowledge about pattern matches and templates relating to trauma/phobias. I love the simple tables and visualisations of the brain which I will use with my clients.
Amazing, I have learnt so much. The course was so well organised and Ros delivered all training so simply, so informative. Venue was lovely.
So much to absorb, reflect on and practise. The video a great compliment to the excellent instruction from leader Ros. Glad to have more than only 1 or 2 chances to role play and be therapist and client. Thank you and I look forward to developing my experience more.
Thorough and plenty of experience. Particularly useful to have repeated practice followed by recaps.
Excellent in-depth course with lots of practicals – it was great to understand the theory and practice to imbed the new learning
Excellent execution. Experience of the tutor particularly stood out.
The quality of teaching is so clear and professional with super timings. A great two days of learning giving me a really useful ‘rewind technique’ for my toolbox to use in the future. Many thanks.
Excellent course
Professional and fun course. So informative, enabling me to develop a new skills to add to my skillset. Pace and tone of delivery was excellent alongside the quality and quantity of the content.
Absolutely invaluable. Loved Ros and found the demonstration so powerful.
Excellent facilitation – well paced – good mix of theory and practice. Ros was an excellent tutor.
An amazing in-depth course, with lots of practical work and demonstrations so you leave with a clear understanding and plenty of practice of the technique. It caters to people with all different levels of experience and taught in a very thorough, yet understandable way.
Really great ‘hands on’ teaching techniques. Tutor very experienced and knowledgeable, and very approachable.
I enjoyed every bit – thank you. Organised really well – delivered professionally. Enough breaks and learning.
Brilliant course! I learnt a lot. Rewind technique was really interesting to learn. I feel confident to carry on practicing and to use it in the future.
Enjoyed stretching the course out, having completed as a 1 day course. Really good location for the sessions. Great group. Well explained, but pretty exhausted now!
I found this course extremely interesting and valuable to add to my tools in my practice. The delivery by Ros was excellent – she made the course very interesting and informative. There was a lot of material to take in, but she made this feel not so overwhelming.
A nice combination of theoretical and experiential learning. Tutor’s experience and knowledge was evident – all questions and tangents answered and held really well.
Very well structured and delivered – lots of opportunity to practice the technique.
It was very insightful. Learning rewind has been something I have been meaning to do for a long time. It was a very useful CPD.
Loved the 2 days – inspiring with brilliant teaching interspersed with practical applications. Very clear explanation of Rewind and Phobia treatment. Great venue and lunch/refreshments.
Unbelievable. Life changing. What a privilege. Doing the practical exercises was particularly useful. Ros is a very experienced therapist and teacher. Always amazed by the quality of HG courses and the thought put into the teaching.
Detailed training in the Rewind Technique to treat trauma and phobia. Great opportunity to observe the technique and to practice.
Excellent day – I’m so glad for the added video work. Also having Ros repeatedly demonstrate the techniques was very helpful.
Amazing tutor, very clear and engaging. Informative. Cannot wait to use the process. The practice embedding the work was really helpful.
Really helpful. Loved the psycho-educational aspect.
Really insightful, Ros was fantastic as quite intense, huge amount to process. Clarity on the arousal and dissociation and more psychoeducation with clients was really helpful. As were the practice sessions and feedback. Ros’s role play session also good.
Very practical with a lot of exercise in pairs and feedback guided
It was challenging, a lot of knowledge crammed into two days, but it was really worth it. Ros is a fantastic teacher and can share her knowledge in a simple way that makes sense and is happy and capable to answer any question
Very clearly presented, with stages broken down and explained thoroughly with important links and patterns highlighted. Really useful being able to first watch a live presentation and then being able to practice with a peer.
Nicely paced. Clear instruction. Knowledgeable instructor.
Excellent course
These few days have given me a renewed excitement about returning to work as a therapist. I have been reminded about how effective HG therapy is and how much I enjoyed using it and seeing lives being transformed. These two days were delivered with skill and clarity, and were thoroughly enjoyable.
Very informative and excellent to discuss with an experienced therapist about different issues/barriers when using the approach to help reassure and build confidence.
A fantastic course which was facilitated in a most practical and thought-provoking manner. I learned a lot!
Very well structured, very clear, very calm with good opportunities to practise.
Detailed information. Practise was challenging but a good learning experience.
Clean and thorough instruction delivered in an engaging way. Very beneficial.
Very informative – delivered concisely and enjoyed the interaction and exercises
Tutor so engaging and knowledgeable. Loved that we had notes throughout – this really helped. Doing practices and demos was most helpful. I’m very excited to see if my phobia goes now!
Well led by a great facilitator. Knowledgeable, approachable, aware of all students’ needs. Excellent content and opportunity to practice and feed back. Appropriate cohort with a good blend of appropriate backgrounds.
Outstanding course – have left feeling confident I can practice the method safely. Great, clear and succinct input plus lots and lots of practice. Really enjoyable. Thoroughly engaged.
Very informative, very well delivered by an excellent, confident speaker. I felt safe, contained and totally engaged and inspired to learn more. I enjoyed the practical demonstrations and the opportunities to practise myself.
Such an important resource for helping clients with PTSD and anxiety/fears.
I now have a clear understanding of how the brain can create a PTSD and/or phobia response, and how to use the rewind technique confidently and quickly. I can’t believe how much ground we covered! I feel excited to go out there and practice!
Very well prepared, organised and presented training. It is easy to follow each step.
Wonderful insight of the effectiveness of trauma techniques in the human givens approach.
Really interesting and invaluable opportunity to develop a new therapy skill.
Very well delivered and supported by Ros.
Beautifully presented and delivered – and professionally structured.
Great course! Eye opening.
Excellent refresher and good opportunity to intensively practice guided imagery skills.
Amazing course. Ros’s delivery and pacing was spot on. I’ve come away feeling I have a really useful tool to help with addressing trauma.
Such an enjoyable course! A huge amount of learning and technique delivered in concentrated form but with lots of practise and demonstrations. A really powerful technique explained and modelled brilliantly.
Excellent. Really taught me useful skills and extended and consolidated previous knowledge. The notes for this session were particularly good and clear with step by step guide.
Very good course (great venue). Works well with the guided imagery day. Fantastic explanation of neurological links and psycho-education that I’ll definitely use with clients.
Amazing course. Ros’s delivery and pacing was spot on. I’ve come away feeling I have a really useful tool to help with addressing trauma.
Very informative and clear teaching. A difficult concept for me to grasp but, with practice, I feel I will improve.
An excellent experiential training on how to use the rewind technique in real time.
Ros ran the course very well and helped us facilitate the learning of the rewind technique. She created an atmosphere of learning the technique that allowed us to become more confident in using it.
Interesting and very well thought through.
Great practice and consistent support.
Informative and engaging – lots of practical work which helps build confidence.
Informative and so useful.
Good balance of information and opportunity to skill practice. Information was well presented and easily digested.
The course was fine, but I remain skeptical about the effectiveness of the technique. Perhaps some data about evidence of its effectiveness would be helpful as well as acknowledgement that it is not 99% effective and that any persons who do not benefit are not anomalies as I don’t believe any therapeutic technique has that % of success.
Lots of content built on step by step that helped consolidate the process. Well structured and paced. Good balance of theory and practice. Very knowledgeable facilitator.
Excellent – loved the live demo and the film.
An excellent course that was thoroughly enjoyable, informative, yet easy to understand the methods. A safe space to learn and the energy of the class was relaxed and positive.
A really valuable course which will enable me to use rewind to help clients with the effects of trauma. Wonderfully challenging and worthwhile two days. Ros is an excellent trainer. Thank you.
Brilliant 2 days – a great refresher as it has been a number of years since I first attended this workshop
It was brilliantly liberating to know that we can support people in such a gentle, compassionate way. Our course leader was so patient and modelled the values of this therapy throughout. It was a wonderful way to connect with professionals from a range of backgrounds. It feels really rewarding to be able to bring volunteers from our organisation knowing they now have such a great skill.
I really enjoyed the course content and simple ways to explain the workings of the brain. I love the rewind technique and can’t wait to include it in my practice.
Thoroughly enjoyed this course – Ros was brilliant and really informative.
The content, visuals and practical information are excellent. The trainer gave us time to practise and ask questions and was always happy to re-explain things to the group.
This was really informative and I particularly enjoyed the practice. Thank you!
The venue was comfortable, warm and well provided. The tutor was excellent – warm, friendly and very skilled. She managed the group brilliantly – giving lots of information but encouraging and facilitating practise very enthusiastically.
Love the balance of theory/listening and practical learning.
A lot of ground covered and great to practise so much.
Would be good to find out who created this method or where it originated and mentioning it in related literature.
Wonderful use of education, information and practise.
Ros was an excellent teacher and very supportive. The course was very well structured and enjoyable.
Was good – I liked practising rewind.
Incredible. Inspirational.
Great to learn this technique and there was a good balance of practise/demo/learning.
Overall a great course. Improved my understanding of the technique significantly. I was also able to practise but also experience this technique with various people.
Very well presented. No use of jargon, easy and relaxed and able to ask questions.
Excellent, clear teaching and slides. Very helpful demonstrations and one-to-one practise with other course members. Very clear examples and instruction. All relevant. No waffle or digression. Very encouraging – reassured we can develop at our own pace.
Really awesome – learnt a lot and am looking forward to practising the technique and using it in my work.
Ros gave detailed explanations of why Rewind works and the process. Really excellent – felt comfortable to ask questions.
Well-explained, clear explanation of the technique. Good for confidence and skill-building.
This course was a refresher for me and helped fill in many gaps to make me feel confident in the rewind techniques, but also updated relevant technical info on the brain to provide a rounder knowledge.
Made it simple to understand and has given me the confidence to keep going forward.
Highly recommended – a very useful tool to have in my toolbox.
I have enjoyed everything.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. Although at times I have felt as though I am at ‘information overload’ stage the next stage of the learning has always embedded that previous stage, giving me a solid grasp of the technique eventually.
Practical, informative and delivered very well.
Excellent course – trauma really simply and easily explained.
Very relatable and simplified teaching pattern.
Very practical and clearly presented.
Really stretched my brain. Fantastic tutor.
Ros is an inspiration in her teaching and demo work. She makes the process very clear and at the same time brings a warmth to her teaching that is wonderful to be part of. Thank you!
Ros is a brilliant teacher and presenter. She made the whole course interesting, engaging and informative as well as very supportive. She’s also very patient with all our questions!
Always learn something new. Ros is a great presenter and her visuals are very helpful.
Coming into this course with very little psych background, the course was made easy to follow and understand. Several teaching techniques served all peoples. There were lightbulb moments, affirming moments and all was made really enjoyable. Regardless of background, anyone would find essential life skills.
Excellent, clear and concise teaching. Lots of practice opportunities and opportunity to meet lovely people.
Rosalind Townsend, ably and humbly delivered this two day ‘Rewind’ course. A wonderfully presented learning experience. I’m not from an academic background so I was happy not to be bombarded with psycho babble. The feeling of being stretched and supported throughout was a joy! Thank you, thank you…
The rewind technique is a practical tool for desensitising traumatic memories. I feel confident to now apply this in various settings.
Lots of practice – thank you!
Fantastic facilitation! A little exhausting doing the 3 phobia rewind late afternoon on 2nd day. Good practice opportunities and good pace set for the course.
Really enjoyable, interactive, thought provoking. Well-paced and full of content.
Excellent. Thoroughly enjoyable and informative. I’m really excited about using the technique with my clients.
Very interesting and immersive. Very well explained with clear instruction. Really enjoyed the psycho-educative part and how clear and useful it will be for clients.
Brilliant trainer – fascinating syllabus
Very insightful and engaging in the exercises.
Amazing and so useful!
As before, Ros was excellent, informative and professional.
A fantastic technique to learn, expertly delivered. Thank you!
I have attended so many excellent courses but I think this one tops them all. A brilliantly encouraging and supportive environment in which to learn. Feel capable and useful – capable to start practising and useful to help people move forward substantially.
Absolutely brilliant course. Rosalind Townsend is an amazing trainer!
Brilliant. Combination of practical application of rewind with an experienced practitioner made this a stand out course.
Ros taught the material in a helpful and enjoyable way. Good live demo. A copy of the slides would be very helpful because of important bullet points.
An intense few days learning a new skill set. Well worth the effort. I am very excited about incorporating this into my practice.
Life changing … hopefully 🙂
1st experience of the rewind technique and would highly recommend it. Ros was amazing.
The blew my mind. Knowing this technique and the theoretical underpins has been helpful for me personally. I look forward to the time I can use it to help clients.
Really good – very helpful.
Thoroughly fascinating and practical in equal measure. I’m feeling ready to build on my guided visualisation skills and use this technique in the future.
Very well presented and enjoyable
A very hands-on, practical course, with in-depth understanding of the stress response and practice.
The trainer has been very engaging – informative and humorous.
Such an enjoyable course! A huge amount of learning and technique delivered in concentrated form but with lots of practise and demonstrations. A really powerful technique explained and modelled brilliantly.
Excellent delivery. Ros was clear and professional and took time to answer questions and explain things.
Excellent two days. Great mix of evidence and practice. Ros is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in practice and in delivery – a positive learning experience.
I’ve so enjoyed this window of opportunity to learn something new to support my private practice.
Ros made a very challenging technique easy to access and broke it into manageable chunks. It was such an insightful day and offered me clear ways to see how I can help my clients in the future.
Really clearly set out and invaluable in my work with trauma. Ros was very helpful in answering questions and particularly about when to use the technique safely.
Interesting and engaging. The material covered made a lot of sense and it was immediately apparent where it could start being applied. Very much enjoyed it!
Really informative with excellent demonstrations and examples to give context to client work.
Very informative background knowledge, clear and concise, into how trauma presents in the brain and how ‘rewind’ therapy counteracts the fight, flight, freeze response by neutralising difficult memories and emotions.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course and felt my skills developed and improved over the two days. It also had the added benefit of treating my fear of heights as a demonstration.
I have really enjoyed all aspects of this two day course. Excellent, inspirational and I can’t wait to use the stories I’ve learnt.
Really interesting. Method is beginning to feel more natural – thank you!
Excellent. Ros is a fantastic teacher. I am feeling excited to practise the rewind technique.
Very informative – very supportive environment.
As a new skill it was an extremely enlightening experience that I feel now prepares me to practice the various stages of the process and eventually use it in a live session.
The Rewind Technique training helps you understand just what is happening in the brain during trauma and why the rest of the body behaves the way it does. Once this is mastered, you can learn how to deal with the impact and reverse the negative consequences.
This course was very well delivered! The tutor had a natural way of explaining the process of memory processing and how each section interacts with the other.
The course was excellent. Ros made a very challenging technique easy to access and broke it into manageable chunks. It was such an insightful day and offered me clear ways to see how I can help my clients in the future. What also stood out for me was learning about the way in which me must be careful to identify when this technique should not be used and to watch out for abreactions.
A great balance between theory, the practical and Q & A
Very useful – love the resources and examples used. Find Ros very informative.
Intense, exhausting, useful and illuminating. Brought together many learnings through HG studies
The process of repeated practice was so helpful in developing competence and confidence.
A wonderful two days full of learning. So much opportunity to practice and experience this powerful technique
It was excellent because you could experience all of the process from both sides as a therapist and client, providing better understanding.
It was really great times. Ros is professional. I understand clearly. I think it helps me in my work in the future. I meet nice people. I love it!
Very useful. A judicious balance of theory, modelling and practice. Many practices in a safe environment to learn, consolidate and embed learning. Skills are accessible and pragmatic.
Wonderfully informative! A rather complex subject however I felt I gained a good understanding by the end of the 2 days.
The course is fascinating and will be very valuable in my practice. It has been taught exceptionally well and this, plus the content, has decided me on doing your diploma
Amazing! Well designed to deliver a great deal of practical knowledge in a very understanding way!
Honestly, one of the best I have done. Ros is an amazing trainer; patient, responsive, positive with a gentle strength to guide and educate. I leave with an understanding of the rewind technique and the confidence to use it.
Great content, made into manageable steps to learn and practise.
Wonderful course – thank you!
Enjoyed this course very much due to the demos and the gradual build up of skills
Excellent course – fair distribution of tutor led learning and practicals. Very positive and encouraging tutor.
Loved it – practical aspects. As a visual person I liked the demos
Brilliant, really enjoyable
Structured, informative, supported practise, building up gradually more knowledge and experience, and gaining confidence in applying it!
Brilliant! Ros is amazing. All the examples, the very well defined structure and the techniques – absolutely brilliant.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. It’s been a well balanced mix of well explained and accessible theory with ample opportunity to engage in experiential learning. Its filled me with optimism about further possibilities to help people and increased my curiosity about how else I can branch out.
Such an enjoyable and informative course. Feel like I’ve learnt so much (so much more to learn) and absorbed it through the practical application which was so helpful to my learning.
A fantastic skills based taught course. Ros has an excellent knowledge base and explains things really clearly. It felt a warm and open environment to ask questions and practice the skills safely. Thoroughly enjoyed the two days which built upon existing knowledge.
Excellent course! I was very nervous first of all in doing the rewind, and the responsibility held, but it wa taught so well and Sue gave us the confidence to jump straight in – so I did and realised it wasn’t as difficult as I had anticipated. Everything was useful.
Fantastic level of knowledge given. I feel well equipped to start bringing this into my practice.
The rewind technique will be invaluable in my clinical work and I very much admire the approach of Human Givens. Thank you very much – I intend to attend more courses in the near future.
Consolidated how to use the rewind technique – all of the information and practice was incredibly useful.
What an impact this information, with careful practice, will have on traumatised people and those who suffer acutely from phobias.
Just so very helpful. There’s been a huge amount of sharing of information that’s been immensely useful and very thoroughly covered.
After every course I find I use elements of learning from HG. I always gain greater in-depth and useful knowledge which helps my practice. Thank you.
A wonderful, wonderful few days.
Incredible experience.
Was really great. Can’t think of anything that would make it better.
Really brilliant to have a chance to see a real session, and then use the techniques myself as client and therapist.
Loved the course – inspirational! The HG approach is a breath of fresh air to all other approaches I’ve met in 15 years experience. Loved the neuropsychology bit – and focus on practical skills.
I have learnt more during this two day course than I have in one term of my training course! I found the explanation of what happens in the brain during anxiety and trauma particularly useful and shall incorporate this into my work with clients.
I never fail to be astounded by the knowledge gained by attending Human Givens College courses – I always leave feeling more empowered!
So well taught and relevant and something I will be hopefully using in the future when more practiced.
Working in the mental health services I come across a lot of clients with PTSD so this technique will be enormously invaluable.
It made loads of sense. I liked the fact it was based on science and the development of the brain.
Practical solutions to address many common issues that appear in the therapy room.
An excellent opportunity to explore new ways of working.
The explanations given were provided in layman’s terms whilst incorporating scientific fact. Both approaches enlightened my knowledge.
The power of these techniques is phenomenal – it is an utter privilege to learn this work and apply it.
I’ll be able to apply the technique as soon as tomorrow in the clinic.
This is something I’ve wanted for a long time. I just need to go and practice it. I find the whole thing interesting and helpful – sounds simplistic, but true.
Practical skills that can really help me to help others in the future. Wish I’d known this a long time ago.
Refreshingly empathetic of the human social and evolutionary development (compared with frustrating ideology of other approaches).
Human Givens will be the future.
The powerful therapeutic tool of the rewind technique described was fascinating – I look forward to using it in the future.
Thought the day very worthwhile. Gave me confidence to begin using rewind again after a 5 – 6 year break.
Very practical, clear and useable. Very helpful. Fascinating and inspiring.
Safe, informal, chance to explore questions, queries, etc. with a very knowledgeable tutor.
I used to become sweaty and panicky just thinking about flying, but after the session today I already feel different. Am now looking forward to visiting my brother in America.
Second time doing this workshop – but there’s always something new to take home and use.
Engaging, full of useful information. Great mix of theory and practice.
Having practiced NLP for 3 years I now feel I have moved on to a new level.
Therapy in action – an excellent way to learn.
Fantastic technique which helps to demystify ‘therapy’ and which urges the patient towards their own quick solution.
Very focused. New insight. Quick and easy to take in with varied presentation. I now have a tool which I will be able to apply in clinical work.
The adapabilities of the technique were very well demonstrated.
Excellent, as all these course are! Looking forward to doing more.
Fascinating – a truly powerful technique.
Exceptionally powerful learning experience.
I still marvel at how this technique can have such powerful effects on people’s lives.
The whole course was very useful and thought-provoking. The sessions working through the guided imagery and rewind were particularly helpful as I was able to understand the process more by experiencing outcomes and getting feedback to improve my understanding.
It seems so simple but it works – as we saw!