Student Feedback
Our students often tell us how practical and helpful they find our training, here’s just a sample of what they say:
The best training I have ever undertaken in over 30 years of working in the field of mental health and wellbeing
Christina Johnson
“I learned more on this course than I did in 3 years training to become a mental health nurse”
Caroline Lee
“Excellent, practical and empowering – a genuine breath of fresh air in the world of psychology and therapy.”
Senior Mental Health Practitioner
“I’ve attended many Human Givens training sessions since 2003 and I have to say it’s been the best training in all my years as a hypno-psychotherapist. Whether in person or online, the training is always of the highest quality. If you’re thinking of a new career in counselling or are already qualified but want to find out more about a particular subject, Human Givens training is second to none. Indeed, it is the only therapy ‘school’ I recommend to anyone these days. Life changing on a personal and professional level.”
Gavin Roberts
“Marvellous courses. Human givens ideas connect with the real world. When adopted more widely they will save the country millions!”
Paul Gant
“The most inspirational training I have ever had”
Dr. Jane Burrows
“I never fail to be astounded by the knowledge gained by attending your courses – I always leave feeling more empowered!”
School Counsellor
“Very helpful – as I progress with the Diploma I continue to be amazed by the integrity of HG as an organising idea – and the simplicity of it. Wonderful to be improving my skills like this.”
Occupational Therapist
“Exceptionally good — highly informative and insightful material delivered online at a very high standard. It was easy to follow and retain … Joe Griffin is a joy to listen to, made my learning fun”
Eileen Scott
“I always come away from HG training feeling inspired and excited to improve my practice.”
Emily Saunders, General Practitioner
“Straightforward explanations that make sense! It was great to get through so much and so effectively in one day! Coming from an educational background I have been looking for the link between therapy and learning – I found it today. Thank you for a great day.”
Tutorial & Learner Involvement Co-ordinator
“These courses are brilliant for showing how we can make practical use of the latest insights into what’s happening in our brains when we get distressed or suffer trauma to better help our clients – it’s been really useful to attend.”
“Thank you for a hugely motivating day. It’s left me feeling enthusiastic and hopeful about working with some of my very challenging, stuck clients.”
Clinical psychologist
Attending the Human Givens Diploma has been life changing and thought provoking - it equipped me with the knowledge, understanding, tools and techniques to really make a difference in the lives of my clients...
Christina Johnson
“Useful, informative, thought-provoking. Grounded in real life – and well worth the money.”
Lecturer, HM Prison Services
“The delivery of the subject matter was exceptional. It gave me a deeper and in-depth understanding about anxiety disorders and what to do about them.”
“The information on your courses is always so clear and helpful, you cut out the superfluous and tell us what we really need to know to be able to help people! I have tried other courses but they don’t seem to get to the heart of the matter like you do. Thank you.”
Mother (retraining as a counsellor)
“This is the most inspirational training I have ever had – I had no idea that trauma could be dealt with quite so effectively and safely. More people need to know about this version of the rewind technique and Joe Griffin’s wonderfully sensible and humane way of helping people.”
General Practitioner
“Excellent, profound presentation – a really useful course. Am so glad I came.”
“The human givens approach to therapy is like a light at the end of a tunnel – I have been considering becoming involved in therapy/counselling for some time but not known which way to go – until now.”
Environmental Health Officer
“A fascinating insight into the role of depression and how it may be affecting my physiotherapy patients, explained in a very easy to understand way.”
“Fascinating to learn why addictive behaviour is so compulsive and that there IS a way to stop addictions and that this can be achieved in a straight-forward and understandable way.”
“I appreciated the enormous amount of relevant and up-to-date information which was presented in a very palatable way – with humour too! Presentation made a lot of sense, was jargon-free and made rethink some of my precious work in this area with clients – time for an update! I was never bored or lost focus! Thank you for such a stimulating and thought-provoking day.”
Counsellor / Therapist NHS
“An excellent and fascinating examination of the factors that compound addiction. Refreshing scientific – no woolly therapy speak – much appreciated.”
Teacher / Counsellor / Hypnotherapist
“I have worked with people suffering from addiction, but have never understood their behaviour and why people continue to return to their previous behaviour and habits – until today. Thank you.”
Senior Staff Nurse
I never fail to be astounded by the knowledge gained by attending your courses – I always leave feeling more empowered!
School Counsellor
“Fantastic new insights and techniques into working with patients who are depressed presented in down to earth, understandable language.”
Family Support Worker
“It was brilliant and truly enlightening in every sense – I found the whole day mesmorising, I hung onto every word!”
Support Worker
“This was the most thought-provoking workshop I’ve experienced so far. It has given me a whole new perspective on addictive behaviour which I feel is based on a sound knowledge base rather than myth.”
Senior Parent Advisor
“It provided a positive structure with clear principles which can be used to help clients change patterns of behaviour.”
“…these skills [for managing anger] are priceless not only for my work but also my family life! The human givens approach is the way forward.”
Social Worker Mental Health
“I was impressed with the holistic vision of human beings as evident in the human givens approach. The content of the lectures are always so very clear and well illustrated.”
Teacher in a special needs school
“The information is always put over in a very well argued and logical manner. Although I have delivered a lot of courses myself about managing anger, I still learnt something new in this session. Human givens seminars always make me think and reappraise the way I conduct my own work and conduct my own personal life too”
“Utter common sense”
“A totally new subject to me but the ideas fit well with how we work with parents and children and help them to move on – great strategies which will help me approach work with families from a different angle.”
Children’s Services Practitioner for NSPCC
“Refreshing to find a commonsense approach that used right, cannot fail to make a difference to people’s lives.”
Support Worker
“Absolutely inspirational! This course was so coherent and presented such a clear and inspirational vision of the human givens approach and why we so need this in today’s society! Very illuminating for myself, and also the techniques are immediately helpful for working with people”
Movement Teacher
“The different way of looking at counselling was really encouraging and such common sense. Direct relevance to my current job role in the Conditional Management Programme, helping people to overcome health problems to move them closer to the world of work.”
Occupational Therapist
“A wonderful way of bringing together all the thinking and development around psychology and counselling over the past century into one practical, holistic approach.”
Career Guidance Counselling
“This wonderful workshop [Guided Imagery] made the airy fairy a concrete, beneficial reality!”
Trainee Counsellor/Therapist
“I can actually visualise the people that are going to benefit from learning the techniques, and the changes it will bring for them.”
Occupational Health Nurse (Mental Health) after attending the Guided Imagery and Visualisation Workshop
“Discovering the power of storytelling in a therapeutic way is enlightening and empowering – these techniques will definitely enhance my future work. It has given me confidence in using my intuition.”
“Thank you for passing this much-needed information about healing trauma on to others in such an accessible way – you are modern-day heros!”
Artist/Teacher, training in Counselling
“Learnt new skills for working on an emotional yet practical level with teenagers and gave me more insight into their development, a great day. Thoroughly recommend it.”
School Counsellor
“Good to know there is a proven alternative to long-term therapy!”
Software Engineer
“Excellent as ever, continually updated with new understanding and techniques. Thank you.”