How to apply
If you would like to apply for the next HG Supervisor Course and have the support of your own supervisor, please send the following information in a Word document (or equivalent) to Fiona Heffernan – via email.
Deadline for applications: Mon 31st March 2025
If you are interested in applying, please contact us before this date as places are limited.
Please supply:
- the name and contact details of your current (and any previous) HG supervisor/s – you should advise them that they will be contacted by the HG College in connection with your application to the HG Supervisors Course
- details of how you have met the requirement of having delivered a minimum of 1000 sessions of one-to-one HG therapy
- a personal statement explaining why you want to become an HG supervisor (500 words maximum)
- an account of how you have made use of HG supervision yourself (500 words maximum)
- an account of how the HG organising idea has informed your work (750 words maximum)
- brief details of an ethical dilemma arising from your practice that you have considered (500 word maximum)
- details of any complaints – have you ever been the subject of a complaint to the RPSC or similar formal body? If so, please also include details of this in your application.
To help select suitable applicants, the following references will also be taken up:
- your HG Diploma Part 2 & 3 tutors (where possible) – we will ask about your contribution to the course and your HG Diploma exam result
- your current and any previous HG supervisor/s – we will ask about your use of supervision and the supervisor’s judgement of your suitability to become an HG supervisor.
Next steps
An initial assessment of your suitability for the course will follow receipt of the above by the HG College. To help with this assessment, you may also be invited for an online interview.
You will then be notified by the college whether you have successfully gained a place on this training. We will endeavour to let you know as soon as possible.
Places are limited, and will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please note
Submission of an application does not guarantee that you will automatically be accepted on to the training and the decision of Human Givens College is final. There will be further supervisor-tutor training opportunities in the future if you feel that now is not the right time for you to make this commitment or if you are unsuccessful in your application this time.
Further information
There are a maximum of 14 places on the course. If you are accepted, a deposit of £500 must be paid to secure your place, and the full fees* must be settled before you attend. (If you would like to pay in installments, please contact the office.)
Successful graduates of the course will be required to register with the HGI as an accredited HG Supervisor, which involves paying an annual fee (currently £110) to cover supervisor CPD and registration.
If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor in the first instance.
The course will take place in Bristol in two blocks of 3 days each, as follows:
Part 1: Thurs 22nd–Saturday 24th May 2025
Part 2: Thurs 10th–Saturday 12th July 2025
This course typically runs once every 18–24 months.
* The total fee for the course is £2,495.