How human givens helped Life Coach Nick Hatter

Nick Hatter
Nick Hatter is a leading life coach trusted by clinical psychologists, doctors, therapists as well as celebrities.* He has featured in Forbes, Vogue, Tatler, The Evening Standard, The Metro, The Telegraph as well as TV and national radio (including 4Music and BBC Radio). He is now writing a self-help book for LittleBrown publishers called ‘The 7 Questions’, a book that teaches self-coaching by asking thought-provoking questions, it is due to be published in January 2022.
Nick has taken many of our online courses on a variety of mental health topics and Human Givens Psychotherapy. He had previously trained in a variety of approaches, including Positive Psychology for coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and is a registered member of the Association for Coaching (AC) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). He has also undergone years of psychotherapy and coaching himself.
We decided to interview Nick to ask what drew him to the human givens approach:
What made you choose Human Givens?
“I first discovered Human Givens after realising that my work sometimes crossed over into the therapeutic realm. I was a bit confused, bewildered and scared by it all – until I discovered the Human Givens approach. I quickly realised that with the right extra training, I could still use a solution-focused and brief approach to help my clients in a more therapeutic capacity whilst keeping them safe. HG is a wonderfully clear approach and its focus on empowering people and helping them move on in their lives as quickly as possible echoed my own approach to coaching.
“I also found what I learnt on your courses helpful for understanding and looking after my own mental health, which ensures I have enough ‘spare capacity’ to be able to help others effectively.”
The training is very accessible and clear, and the HG framework is incredibly useful for all areas of our lives
How has Human Givens helped your coaching practice?
“Human Givens courses have been a fantastic asset to my coaching practice. They have helped me navigate the blurred line of where coaching meets therapy – HG’s brief solution-focused therapeutic approach complements my coaching practice (as well as coaching in general) very well, especially given that I typically do 6–12 weeks of work with clients rather than years and years.”
“I regularly use the emotional needs audit to rapidly identify what may be lacking in the clients’ life — and I will do coaching around what I discover to help them get their innate needs met and to enable them to use their innate resources well. This results in clients seeing and feeling results much faster compared to perhaps having seen a traditional psychoanalytical or even CBT therapist.
“It’s also helped me with safeguarding; I now feel more comfortable and safe to handle clients who may be in more psychologically distressed states. I have also been able to use The Rewind Technique and hypnotic rehearsal to successfully help people overcome things like phobias of giving presentations, writing reports and gynephobia (fear of women).”
Would you recommend HG to others?
“Absolutely! The training is very accessible and clear, and the HG framework is incredibly useful for all areas of our lives – it quickly highlights where problem areas are for people, helps explain behaviour, motivations and also provides practical ways to help people overcome obstacles in their lives – they find the psycho-education aspects enlightening too.”
Find out more
*To find out more, visit
and read his article: Why more people are seeking out life coaches
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