Search found 514 results

Publications / CD / Digital download

Understanding and lifting depression

without drugs: Essential to any successful treatment is a solid understanding of what depression really is and the best ways to lift it quickly. This uplifting audiobook dispels myths and throws light on fundamental questions.

Publications / CD / Digital download

Effective anger management

Understanding and controlling unreasonable expressions of anger in yourself and other people: Explores the physiological, psychological and social consequences of expressing anger and learn both how to control your own anger, and to deal more effectively with other angry people.

College / 1-day workshop

Working with Eating Difficulties

This course builds on the introductory Understanding Eating Difficulties Webinar and looks at practical ways you can help using the core skills and concepts of human givens therapy…


College / Online course - Free

Dreaming, daydreaming and creativity

Ivan Tyrrell’s fascinating talk from the HG Diploma throws new light on our evolution as he explains the crucial role of the REM state and much more…

Publications / Digital download

The therapeutic power of guided imagery

How to use your mind to heal past hurts, motivate people and raise your intelligence: It is also one of the fastest ways to reduce emotional arousal and generate deep relaxation β€” the crucial first step towards lasting therapeutic change.

Publications / Digital download

Evolution and the Human Givens

…hope for the future: This inspiring conversation between two eminent practical thinkers is guaranteed to give any open-minded person pause for thought.

College / Online course

Understanding and Treating Addictions

Discover why we are all vulnerable to addictions, what causes and drives addictive and compulsive behaviours – and the best ways to overcome them

College / Online course

How to break the cycle of depression

Vital information for everyone – includes new insights and research findings which dramatically improve recovery rates and reduce relapses

College / Online course

Understanding Anxiety

– and managing it without drugs: Essential information – discover the quickest, most effective ways to reduce all sorts of anxiety and help people take back control of their lives

College / Live - Online Training

How to help troubled and troublesome teenagers

Discover new ways to establish the problem, engage reluctant teens, promote positive behaviour change, improve mental health – and much more… Tues 15th October

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