Supporting people through fertility treatment

– with Sarah Denning

HG therapist Sarah Denning, who has over 20 years practice as a midwife, birth trauma therapist and IVF Counsellor, is passionate about giving effective help to women and men experiencing anxiety and grief from infertility, pregnancy loss and birth-related trauma.

one of the incredibly successful treatments, if it`s appropriate is a rewind on previous loss, previous trauma and previous treatment trauma, I`ve had some unbelievably good outcomes from that. It changes women`s ability to go on with treatment when they are not carrying all of the grief from previous losses and treatments and for some women that can be many"

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Supporting people through fertility treatment

Fertility problems can be incredibly distressing, it is often a shock, completely changing people’s perception of themselves and their imagined future as parents, and patients can struggle with their emotions, experience a sense of loss, as well as intense anxiety about treatment. So we were delighted when Sarah shared her unique insight and knowledge with us.

‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series

‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series

Listen to the full series and more on your favourite podcast player! Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud.

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