GPs get HG training

A much-needed and appreciated half-day training programme for GPs entitled Depression? There is hope! has been devised by Dr Andrew Morrice with help from fellow GPs Sue Beckers, Adam Lake, Maarit Brooke and Mel Mackintosh – all of whom have also completed the HG diploma training.

A generous donation to the Human Givens Foundation by the Corbin family, in memory of their daughter Philippa, has created an opportunity whereby GPs can be offered a grounding in the HG model of depression, including the new understandings about inflammation*, along with practical information as to how the HG approach can be applied within a short GP consultation.

This was an amazing course, almost life changing. The ideas in Humans Givens really resonated with me and my experiences with patients and myself

Seminars are being offered through the auspices of existing GP training organisations, as these are trusted providers of GP education and events advertised by these organisations will reach doctors that might not be aware of the HG approach. The funding from the Corbins and friends via the HGF enables provision of these seminars as part of GPs’ annual professional training, free of pharmaceutical representatives.

The first training event in Bath was attended by 28 GPs and extremely well received, with 90% of attendees rating the course and content “excellent”.

One GP wrote: “this meeting deserves high praise, it was a new way of thinking about depression for me and feels like it has opened up lots of doors”.  Another commented “This was an amazing course, almost life changing. The ideas in Humans Givens really resonated with me and my experiences with patients and myself. I have ordered some books, and may even be interested in the diploma in the future.”

​​​​​​​A further event is taking place in Dorset this month, and approaches are being made to GP education organisations in the South West, London, Lancashire, Scotland and Ireland.  The intention is to make this seminar available to as wide a range of GPs around the UK and Eire as possible.

All GPs will be invited to the training day through their area GP education organisations, as dates become available. If any GPs reading this can put Andrew in touch with their local CPD organisers directly, he’d love to hear from you.

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*Dr Andrew Morrice describes the role of physical inflammation in depression on his one day HG course The Mind-body Connection.

If you’re a GP and are interested in organising a training session with Andrew, please get in touch with us.

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